About SQL Server Training
This SQL Server training teaches developers all the Transact-SQL skills they need to create database objects like Tables, Views, Stored procedures & Functions and triggers in SQL Server. Gives idea about writing Queries & Sub-queries, working with Joins, etc. As well as database management skills like backup, restore, etc.
SQL Server Training Course Prerequisite
No Prior Experience is Presumed.
SQL Server Training Course Objective
Learn Database models
Overview of SQL Server Management Studio and Transact-SQL language
Master writing simple and complex queries that retrieve data from the database
Calculate information across result sets using aggregate queries (sum, min, max, avg, etc.)
Insert, update, and delete data
Retrieve data from tables
Working with Data Types
Procedure and Functions
Understand the different Views
Working with Triggers
Design a database
Maintain databases, tables, and sequences with SQL statements
Create and manage views
Ensure the integrity of multiple, related database updates by using transactions
Retrieve data using cursors
Manage binary data using BLOBs
SQL Server Training Course Duration
30 Working days, daily one and half hours
SQL Server Training Course Overview
Introduction To DBMS
File Management System And Its Drawbacks
Database Management System (DBMS) and Data Models
Physical Data Models
Logical Data Models
Hierarchical Data Model (HDBMS)
Network Data Model (NDBMS)
Relational Data Model (RDBMS)
Object Data Model (ODBMS)
Object Relational Data Model (ORDBMS)
Conceptual Data Models
Entity – Relationship (E-R) Model
Introduction To SQL Server
Advantages and Drawbacks Of SQL Server Compared To Oracle And DB2
Connecting To Server
Server Type
Server Name
Authentication Modes
Sql Server Authentication Mode
Windows Authentication Mode
Login and Password
Sql Server Management Studio and Tools In Management Studio
Object Explorer
Object Explorer Details
Query Editor
TSQL (Transact Structured Query Language)
Introduction To TSQL
History and Features of TSQL
Types Of TSQL Commands
Data Definition Language (DDL)
Data Manipulation Language (DML)
Data Query Language (DQL)
Data Control Language (DCL)
Transaction Control Language (TCL)
Creating Database
Altering Database
Deleting Database
Procedural Integrity Constraints
Declarative Integrity Constraints
Not Null, Unique, Default and Check constraints
Primary Key and Referential Integrity or foreign key constraints
Data Types In TSQL
Creating Table
Altering Table
Deleting Table
Data Manipulation Language
Creating A Table From Another Table
Inserting Rows From One Table To Another
Computed Columns
Differences Between Delete and Truncate
Data Query Language (DQL)
Where clause
Order By Clause
Distinct Keyword
Isnull() function
Column aliases
Between … And
Is Null
Built In Functions
Scalar Functions
Numeric Functions
Character Functions
Conversion Functions
Date Functions
Aggregate Functions
Convenient Aggregate Functions
Statistical Aggregate Functions
Group By and Having Clauses
Super Aggregates
Over(partition by …) Clause
Ranking Functions
Common Table Expressions (CTE)
Top n Clause
Set Operators
Inner Join
Equi Join
Natural Join
Non-Equi Join
Self Join
Outer Join
Left Outer Join
Right Outer Join
Full Outer Join
Cross Join
Sub Queries
Single Row Sub Queries
Multi Row Sub Queries
Any or Some
Nested Sub Queries
Co-Related Sub Queries
Exists and Not Exists
Clustered Index
NonClustered Index
Create , Alter and Drop Indexes
Using Indexes
Login Creation
SQL Server Authenticated Login
Windows Authenticated Login
User Creation
Granting Permissions
Revoking Permissions
Purpose Of Views
Creating , Altering and Dropping Indexes
Simple and Complex Views
Encryption and Schema Binding Options in creating views
Transaction Management
Begin Transaction
Commit Transaction
Rollback Transaction
Save Transaction
Role Of Log File In Transaction Management
Implicit Transactions
TSQL Programming
Drawbacks Of TSQL that leads to TSQL Programming
Introduction To TSQL Programming
Control statements In TSQL Programming
Conditional Control Statements
Looping Control Statements
Working With Cursors
Types Of Cursors
Forward_Only and Scroll Cursors
Static, Dynamic and Keyset Cursors
Local and Global Cursors
Stored Sub Programs
Advantages Of Stored Sub Programs compared to Independent SQL Statements
Stored Procedures
Creating , Altering and Dropping
Optional Parameters
Input and Output Parameters
Permissions on Stored Procedures
User Defined Functions
Creating, Altering and Dropping
Types Of User Defined Functions
Scalar Functions
Table Valued Functions
Inline Table Valued Functions
Multi Statement Table Valued Functions
Permissions On User Defined Functions
Purpose of Triggers
Differences Between Stored Procedures and User Defined Functions and Triggers
Creating, Altering and Dropping Triggers
Magic Tables
Instead Of Triggers
Exception Handling
Implementing Exception Handling
Adding and removing User Defined Error Messages To And From SQL Server Error Messages List
Raising Exceptions Manual
CLR Integration
What is CLR Integration and The Steps For Implementing It
A Simple Example With CLR Integration
Working With XML Data Type
Backup and Restore Of Database
Attach and Detach of Database