About Embedded
This training in embedded system around one and half month is designed for those engineering students who are willing to work with this growing
technology. This training is based on PIC microcontroller. Many types of electronic projects are constructed easily with the PIC family of microprocessors,
among them clocks, very simple video games, robots, servo controllers, and many more. The PIC is a very general purpose microcontroller that can come with
many different options, for very reasonable prices. PIC microcontrollers are available in 8/16/32 bit and it’s having many advance features like on chip
ADC,CCP/ECCP and USART which enhance it’s need in embedded industry.
What will the students gain through the course: Basics of embedded system.
Need of processors and controllers in embedded system.
Advance C programming.
Writing programs for various peripherals of PIC in assembly and C.
Understand the use and need of various driver integrated circuits(IC)
Interfacing of various peripherals with PIC microcontroller.
Can develop their major project based on any PIC microcontroller.
Participant Must have knowledge of some basic of Electronics and c programming.
After completion of relevant topics Participants select one project that should be provided by CMC Project Manager.